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Saturday, 28 March 2020

Quarantine Diary: Entry 1

It's been a while since I published anything here that wasn't also a Youtube video (I'd put out more of both but video-editing takes a long time and is something I find specifically very hard to stay focused with) but it's not like I'm particularly busy right now, let's be honest, few people are.

So, long and short of it is, I'm basically in quarantine until this lockdown situation is over. Technically I'm part of two high-risk groups, as I have both Cerebral Palsy and Asthma, luckily for me, the former doesn't really affect me in any way that I think would exacerbate the effects of COVID-19 (which my friends and I, for shorthand have taken to calling the C-Virus, because it sounds a bit like something from Resident Evil) and my asthma is rarely an issue, and even when it is, a couple of doses of an inhaler and I'm usually fine. (though it can be made much more of one if I also have a cold) still, better safe than sorry. Especially since someone in my household is also disadvantaged in the event of catching it, so regardless, we cannot risk having it in the house.

It has been at least two weeks since I left the house at all, and the last two times I did were both trips out for supplies culminating in less than an hour. The last time I went "out" out, was the first of March when I went to see Jollyboat at the Firebug in Leicester (who you should definitely look up if you haven't) the venue was small, so, so was the crowd, maybe 30-50 people, didn't do a head count. In any case, I'm pretty sure if I caught anything there I'd know by now, almost a month later. So, if nothing else, at least I can be sure that if the virus does make it into the house it won't be me that brought it here. Besides, I may well be the least symptomatic person in the house, so at least guilt won't be an issue.

So, despite having self-isolated for several weeks, I only thought to write this entry on the 28th of March, 2020, Perhaps I would've wrote more if I had more to report, but honestly, the last two or three weeks I've barely left my room, for a week after I developed some mild but specific symptoms I didn't leave my room at all, then I came out to discover that everyone else in the house seemed to be feeling worse than me, and went right back in there.

Mentally, it's a weird one, my default position is that I basically idle as an anxious mess. Weirdly enough I'm not that. I don't want to get into too many specifics, but this upset in the status quo makes one of my great constant worries incredibly unlikely, (If you've talked to me lately there's at least an even chance you know what I'm talking about) which, now that I'm not currently anxious about that, I realise how much I constantly was. Ironically, I have more peace and calm of mind now, in a time of global crisis, than I do on a regular day, which, honestly, feels kind of fucked up, but oh well, every cloud.

I really want to try to get some creative momentum going, now that I have the time for it and no expectation of really doing anything, but so far I've managed to spend at least a week replaying the Shenmue games and re-watching BoJack Horseman yet again. I have a script for a video-essay that desperately needs editing down (it's 21,000 words long and really rambly) a novel I want to finish writing, and at least 5 other projects I could be getting to work on, and yet I can't seem to get the ball rolling on any of them. I'm sure I'll get it going eventually, but for now, I'm stuck somewhat in limbo there.

Also, for the last year or so, this blog hasn't really done much but serve as a kind of promotional arm for my YouTube channel, and I don't really like that, so I'm going to try to remedy that by writing more. I'm better at that anyway.

So yeah, those are basically my thoughts right now, for anyone who might be curious or bored enough to read them, how you all holding up? You good? I hope so.

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